What is it?
This is a two-day, one-night bike ride in which we shuttle your personal gear to the camping location. The ride consists of a stunning singletrack, epic two-track, as well as some pavement. A mountain bike is the best choice as the boundary trail, craggy peak trail, and wright meadows trails can be rough and steep.
The event consists of meeting at the bottom of Lewis River (good spot to leave a car overnight), load the shuttle van, ride all day, get to camp and enjoy food and beverage, wake-up, ride all day again, return back to our vehicles in the afternoon.
Day 1
Day 2
starting 8:30 am July 22nd returning the 23rd
Lower Lewis River Trailhead near Curly Creek, GPNF

What to bring:
a mountain bike, snacks/meals for the days ride, your sleep items (sleeping bag/tent if needed), change of clothes/personal items, food/beverage if you choose, snacks/meals for the second day’s ride
What we provide:
We will bring enough water to cook and refill bottles. We will have a small grill and stove along with burgers and some sides for dinner and eggs, sausage, oatmeal, etc for breakfast. You are welcome to bring your own food and/or cooking setup with you or something to share.

How to sign-up?
Contact Beargrass Bicycles for more info. Stop into the shop, give a call, or send an email to us and let us know you want to be part of the ride.